Section 110

110.  Annual Energy Usage Reporting Requirements

110.01.  Because energy use is often one of the largest operating expenses that an LEA must absorb, energy data must be measured so that it can be controlled.  On all SBA-funded new schools or major renovation projects involving a total HVAC renovation or replacement, annual energy usage data is to be gathered and reported.  Individual schools will be given an Energy Usage Index (EUI) benchmark for tracking purposes with the goal of reducing energy demand in the coming years.

110.02.  Energy usage data shall be gathered and submitted annually to the WVDE and the SBA using the Annual Energy Use form.  This data shall be compared to the benchmark data from the prior years.  This annual data should give each LEA an understanding as to which systems and equipment may deserve prioritization when determining future projects.

110.03.  Energy usage and conservations shall not come at the expense of an uncomfortable thermal environment for students, teachers, administrators, and other building users.  Chapter 11 of the WVDE Policy 6200 – Handbook on Planning School Facilities sets environmental conditions that govern the design and operation of all school facilities.