Section 204

204.  Emergency Funds

To receive Emergency Funds from the SBA, the LEA must meet the following eligibility criteria and must follow the application process as follows:

204.01.  Eligibility Criteria
    204.011.  The emergency situation must have been generated by an Act of God, i.e., fire, wind, flood, storm, earthquake, etc.
    204.012.  Federal, state, and local funds for emergency repair/replacement must have been identified and exhausted.
    204.013.  All insurance claims must have been filed and amount of settlements determined.  Insurance should be at the cost of replacement level or at the highest level available.

204.02.  Application Process

    204.021.  Immediate Notification
        1.  If it is anticipated that SBA funds will be requested, immediate notification and involvement of the SBA staff is required.
        2. Within 10 days of the emergency, the county must submit to the SBA a detailed report to describe:
            a. the extent of the damages,
            b. the effect of the damages on the educational program, and
            c. the temporary measures taken to provide services to students.

    204.022. Formal Application Process
        1. The county must submit to the SBA documentation to verify the eligibility of the project based on the eligibility criteria above. Support data must be provided to verify estimates of costs.
        2. A facility plan designed to repair or replace the damaged properties must be submitted to the SBA.  The facility plan must include data regarding:
            a. effect of the project on the educational plan, and
            b. detailed description of work to be completed.
        3. A Finance Plan for the project must be submitted to the SBA.  The plan is to include:
            a. Amount and description of local funds committed to the project,
            b. Amount and description of federal funds available for the project,
            c. Amount of any insurance settlement from the damages,
            d. Amount of funds available from all other sources, and
            e. Amount requested from the SBA. 
        4. All data must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the SBA meeting at which the request will be presented.  This will provide time for staff review and visitation.

        5. Any grant from the SBA Emergency Fund is subject to the approval of the Authority and shall not exceed two million dollars ($2,000,000).  The county superintendent must appear before the SBA with a formal proposal presentation regarding the request for funds.