David Sneed

Executive Director

David Sneed.jpgOn July 1, 2014, David A. Sneed was Appointed Executive Director of the School Building Authority of West Virginia by Governor Earl Ray Tomblin.

David began his career working in the private sector where he worked on the design and construction administration of schools, banks and other public facilities. He began his public service career in Kanawha County Schools as Director of School Planning managing their capital improvement bond program. During his 13-year career in Kanawha County, he created several educational facilities planning processes that are still being used today.  David also served as Assistant Superintendent of School Planning and Operations in Kanawha County prior to joining the School Building Authority staff.  David brings over 35 years of educational planning experience to the SBA.
In 1989 David co-chaired the statewide organizing committee mandated by the West Virginia State legislature and charged with the responsibility of creating guidelines and procedures for the newly created School Building Authority of West Virginia.  At the conclusion of this work in 1990 he joined the School Building Authority as Chief of Architectural Services.  David authored much of the planning and construction policies of the School Building Authority and created the educational planning process now being used by all educational planners in West Virginia.
David is a member of the Council of Educational Facilities Planners International (CEFPI) and is a Recognized Educational Facilities Planner (REFP).  In 2005, David received the CEFPI President’s Award for outstanding educational planning and service to the state of West Virginia.
David Earned a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Technology from West Virginia State University. David is an Associate Member of the American Institute of Architects, West Virginia Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and is a member of the State Chapter of the Educational Facilities Planners International.
Email David Sneed: David.A.Sneed@wv.gov