Submission Deadlines

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The SBA is pleased to inform you that NEEDs, Major Improvement Projects (MIP) and Multi-County/Statewide Funding will be available for distribution. The exact amount of funding has yet to be determined. We will inform you of the amount available for distribution for the fiscal year once this amount is confirmed.

To qualify for NEEDs, MIP and Multi-County/Statewide Funding, SBA project submission requirements must be followed and all documentation must be in the SBA office or post marked no later than the deadline listed below.  Late submittals will be ineligible for funding consideration by the Authority.  Also, your county's projects submitted must be included in an approved 2020-2030 CEFP.  If you are submitting a project that is not in your currently approved plan, please submit the appropriate CEFP Amendment documentation in a separate cover marked CEFP Amendment, along with your project approval request information.

Please make note of these important deadlines

FY2025 NEEDs Funding Projects
Grant Application Submission Due: September 13, 2024
     Three Copies with CEFP Amendment (if applicable) to SBA
Superintendent Interviews: November 18-19, 2024
NEEDs Project Selection: December 16, 2024

NOTE: the new Needs Grant Application is available here: 

FY2025 Major Improvement Projects (MIP) & Multi-County/Statewide Funding Projects
Grant Application Submission Due: March 29, 2024
     Three Copies with CEFP Amendment (if applicable) to SBA
MIP & Multi-County/Statewide Funding Projects Selection: June 17, 2024

NOTE: the new MIP and Multi-County/Statewide Grant Applications are available here:​
Deliver Submissions to:
School Building Authority of West Virginia
c/o: Angie Bradley (
2300 Kanawha Blvd., East
Charleston, WV 25311-2306