Past Agenda




To Be Held At:

WV Department of Education
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East 6th Floor, Suite 600
Charleston, West Virginia 25305
Quarterly Meeting
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
11:45 A.M.




A. SBA Quarterly Meeting April 10, 2024 – (Action) – ATTACHMENT A.pdf


A. P-Card Review – (Information) – HANDOUT

One of the requirements of the P-Card Program is for the Authority to review all purchases made by the SBA staff. As suchthe Handout provides an itemized list of the SBA's card usage for FY2024 July 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024.


A. SBA Budget vs Actual Financial Report - (Information) – ATTACHMENT B.pdf
CFO Kirk will present the SBA's Profit and Loss Statement for the FY2024 period ending April 30, 2024.

B. SBA Grant Awards Report – (Information) – ATTACHMENT C.pdf
CFO Kirk will present the Grant Awards Report for all SBA Active Grants.

V.  CEFP AMENDMENTS – Executive Director Neptune

The following amendments to County Comprehensive Educational Facilities Plans (CEFPs) have been reviewed and are recommended for approval by the SBA Staff. The State Board of Education has acted on these amendments. Approval of these amendments does not necessarily reflect support for funding of the projects within the Amendments; it means the counties followed the proper Amendment Process. The counties' complete Amendment submittals will be available upon request. The following Amendments are submitted for your review and approval: 

A.  Wayne Board of Education CEFP Amendment – (Action) – ATTACHMENT D.pdf
The Wayne County Board of Education requests approval to revise their 2020-2030 CEFP to add fire suppression and HVAC renovations at the Ceredo-Kenova Elementary School Alumni Gymnasium to its project priority list. The project is planned to be funded through local funds and a grant(s) from the SBA.

Wayne County Board of Education has complied with the SBA CEFP Amendment Process, and as such, Executive Director Neptune respectfully recommends approval of this amendment.

B. Harrison County Board of Education CEFP Amendment – (Action) – ATTACHMENT E.pdf

The Harrison County Board of Education requests approval to revise its 2020-2030 CEFP to include the following changes: Liberty High School is proposed to be merged into the existing Robert C. Byrd High School. Mountaineer Middle School and Washington Irving Middle School are proposed to be consolidated into a new Liberty Middle School, which is planned to be housed in the would-be vacant Liberty High School facility. North View Elementary School is proposed to be relocated into the would-be vacant Mountaineer Middle School facility. The county's project priority list is also being modified to add safe school entries to the proposed receiving schools, and the previously planned new facilities for Washington Irving and North View Elementary are being removed. Changes in a county's CEFP are for planning only, and any proposed closures are pending the completion and approval of the official closure procedures found in Policy 6204, School Closings or Consolidations.

Harrison County Board of Education has complied with the SBA CEFP Amendment Process, and as such, Executive Director Neptune respectfully recommends approval of this amendment.


A.  The West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Requests an Extension – (Action) - ATTACHMENT F.pdf

The West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind requests a grant extension until June 30, 2025 due to the design process taking longer than anticipated. With the age of the campus, some of the upgrades required a careful design process and review that took longer than originally planned. Additionally, one of the projects had to be re-bid due to no vendors sending in a complete bid package. The West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind are in the process with State Purchasing to rebid and make clearer the requirements for the vendors and rebid the package in May.

Executive Director Neptune respectfully recommends that the Authority approve The West Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind's grant extension request.

B. Monroe County Board of Education Requests an Extension – (Action) - ATTACHMENT G.pdf
Monroe County Board of Education requests a grant extension until December 30, 2025 regarding the Mountain View School cafeteria expansion/safe school entry. The project has faced many obstacles that have resulted in the need to re-bid the project, and design took much longer than it should have. Construction bids were completed twice with the re-bid being February 29, 2024. Both bids came in over budget, even with significant reduction of space and redesign in the second bids.

Executive Director Neptune respectfully recommends that the Authority approve Monroe County Board of Education's grant extension request.

C. Lewis County Board of Education  Requests an Extension – (Action) - ATTACHMENT H.pdf
Lewis County Board of Education requests a grant extension until August 31, 2024 regarding the secure entrances to Peterson Central and Roanoke Elementary Schools. The project has experienced several unforeseen delays with materials, such as glass, casework and framing materials, and as such, an extension is being requested.

Executive Director Neptune respectfully recommends that the Authority approve Lewis County Board of Education's grant extension request.

D. Raleigh County Board of Education Requests an Extension – (Action) – ATTACHMENT I.pdf
Raleigh County Board of Education requests a grant extension until Raleigh County Board of Education requests a grant extension until December 31, 2024 regarding the completion of Park Middle School. The request is the result of local government delay in permitting, product delay with manufacturers, and a delay in bidding of Phase II of the project.​

Executive Director Neptune respectfully recommends that the Authority approve Raleigh County Board of Education's grant extension request.

E. Roane-Jackson Technical Center Requests an Extension - (Action) - ATTACHMENT J.pdf

Roane-Jackson Technical Center requests a grant extension until December 31, 2024 regarding the new domestic water plant. The extension request is a result of waiting for First Energy to complete their work relating to the new pad mount transformer for Building C. During the construction of the water plant, the existing underground electrical conduit was encountered and damaged while placing the foundations for the steel frame for the water plant. Since this is a utility company and not a contractor, Roane-Jackson Technical Center does not have a contractual agreement to ensure the work will be completed in the original timeframe of the grant. This is the reason for requesting 180 days as Roane-Jackson Technical Center is unsure of when the work by the utility company will be completed.​

Executive Director Neptune respectfully recommends that the Authority approve Roane-Jackson Technical Center's grant extension request.

F.  Selection of Multi-County / Statewide Funding Projects – (Action) – HANDOUT
Executive Director Neptune will present to the Authority the SBA Staff's rankings and recommendations regarding each of the Multi-County/Statewide Funding projects submitted for FY2025 funding consideration. Grant applications were thoroughly reviewed by the staff, and on-site inspections were performed at each project location to verify the severity of need. The information provided in the Handout represents the SBA staff's full and thorough evaluation of each Multi-County Center's proposed project.

Based on the availability of funding, Executive Director Neptune respectfully recommends the Authority approve funding the projects listed in the Handout.

G.  Selection of MIP Projects - (Action) - HANDOUT
Executive Director Neptune will present to the Authority the rankings and recommendations regarding each of the projects submitted for FY2025 MIP funding consideration. 

Based on the availability of funding, Executive Director Neptune respectfully recommends the Authority approve funding the projects listed in the Handout. 


September 16, 2024 - location to be determined
November 18-19, 2024 - location to be determined
December 16, 2024 – location to be determined